Faculty and Staff
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Faculty-Led Global Seminar Proposals
The deadline for all (winter/spring break/summer of the following year) proposals for any faculty-led global seminars is September 1st.
Request a Presentation
Study Abroad is available to give presentations to your class, student organization or staff. These can range from five minutes to one hour overviews of study abroad at SIUC. Please contact us for further details and to request a presentation.College Specific Resources
The following section presents items of interest to faculty within a given college. This might include programs and exchanges specific to that college, faculty development resources, student scholarships appropriate to your college and related reports.
University-wide Resources
- Current trends in U.S. Study Abroad & The Impact of Strategic Diversity Initiatives: IIE Study Abroad White Paper Series, Issue No. 1, May 2007 http://www.iienetwork.org/?p=StudyAbroadCapacity
- Maximizing Study Abroad: Strategies for Language and Culture Learning and Use (A project of the Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition, University of Minnesota http://www.carla.umn.edu/maxsa/index.html
- How to create a Sustainable Study Abroad Program: A Faculty Guide - A NAFSA funded professional development tool
- The 2007 National Study on Student Engagement (NSSE) features information on study abroad throughout the report.
- Overview of assessment tools of intercultural communicative competence prepared by Alvino E. Fantini, School for International Training, Exploring and Assessing Intercultural Competence.
- Meeting American's Global Education Challenge: Current Trends in U.S. Study Abroad and the Impact of Strategic Diversity Initiatives - www.iienetwork.org/page/103277/ under Study Abroad White Paper
- College-Bound Students' Interests in Study Abroad and Other International Learning Activities, American Council on Education, 25 February 2008.
College of Agricultural Sciences
- Forestry in Ireland (SIU Global Seminar)
- Tropical Rainforest Conservation (SIU Global Seminar)
- MAST International: Trainee program through the University of Minnesota
College of Applied Arts and Sciences
- Architectural Field Studies in Europe (SIU Global Seminar)
College of Business and Administration
- International Business Studies in Europe (SIU Global Seminar)
- The Value of International Education to US Business and Industry Leaders: Survey
College of Education & Human Services
- Social Work Germany (SIU Global Seminar)
- Social Work Bangladesh (SIU Global Seminar)
- Toward Globally Competent Pedagogy E-Publication: this NAFSA publication outlines frameworks for defining and implementing global competency in K-12 classrooms, along with strategies for first bringing this knowledge and training into teacher preparation programs
- Internationalizing Your Educator Preparation Program: resources from NAFSA’s 2012 Internationalizing Teacher Education Colloquium
- Preparing Globally Competent Teachers: materials from a session at 2012 CAEP conference, sponsored by NAFSA, on the importance of preparing globally competent teachers
College of Engineering
- Embracing Globalization: Meeting the Challenges to U.S. Scientists and Engineers, Assuring a Globally Engaged Science & Engineering Workforce. A workshop report of Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society (link to full report)
- International Colloquium on International Engineering Education, University of Rhode Island
- Cultural Engineering (article from the medium)
College of Liberal Arts
- National Security Language Initiative - A federal initiative to increase the number of Americans learning critical need foreign languages. A variety of new and continuing federal language initiatives are featured, from K-12 education to university Flagship Language programs.
- Japan Studies Institute: Incorporating Japanese Studies into the Undergraduate Curriculum - An intensive summer institute sponsored by the American Association of State Colleges & Universities.
College of Mass Communication and Media Arts
College of Science
- Embracing Globalization: Meeting the Challenges to U.S. Scientists and Engineers, Assuring a Globally Engaged Science & Engineering Workforce. A workshop report of Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society (link to full report)
- ISEP: Study Biological and Environmental Sciences Abroad (New version coming this Fall)
- Organization for Tropical Studies - SIU is a member institution