Full Time Status

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According to US Immigration regulations F1 and J1 students must be enrolled full-time or your immigration status will be revoked.

If you are not enrolled full-time according to the guidelines listed below (per U.S. immigration regulations), you must (1) ask your academic advisor to sign this form and (2) submit it to the Center for International Education. Note that your department may require you to take more credits than the minimum indicated below.


  • Undergraduate students: Enrollment in at least 12 credit hours in Fall or Spring (or 6 in Summer if it is your first or final term)
  • Masters or doctoral students without an assistantship: Enrollment in at least 9 credit hours in Fall or Spring (or 3 in Summer if it is your first or final term)
  • Masters or doctoral students with an assistantship: Enrollment in at least 8 credit hours in Fall or Spring (or 3 in Summer if it is your first or final term)
  • Doctoral students who have been admitted to candidacy and have a graduate assistantship: Enrollment in at least 6 credit hours in Fall or Spring (or 3 in Summer if it is your first or final term)