Southern Illinois University
ANTHONY HALL 1166 618/453-5362 FAX
November 16, 2020
Nilanjana Bardhan, Professor, Department of Communication Studies
Julie Dunston, Professor and Director, School of Applied Engineering and Technology and Interim Executive Director, Extended Campus
Sanjeev Kumar, Professor and Interim Director, School of Civil, Environmental and Infrastructure Engineering and Interim Associate Dean, College of Engineering
Matt Kupec, Chief Executive Officer, SIU Foundation
Stephen Shih, Professor and Assoc. Dean and Director, Graduate School
Jennifer Smith, Associate Professo and Chair, Languages, Cultures, and Intl. Trade
Kenneth Stikkers, Professor and Interim Chair, Department of Philosophy
Elaine Conrad, Ph.D., Community and Educational Programs Coordinator, Center for International Education
Yi Lee, JD., International Partnership Development Office Lead, Center for International Education
Ramesh Neupane, Ph.D., Associate Director, Study Abroad Programs
Tina Sickinger, Immigration Specialist, Center for International Education
From: Austian A. Lane, Chancellor
Subject: American Council on Education - Internationalization Lab Steering Committee
Southern Illinois University Carbondale is one of ten institutions invited to join the American Council on Education (ACE) 2020 Internationalization Laboratory cohort. This highly regarded program provides an opportunity for universities to identify and examine strengths, weaknesses, and challenges with current international programs and policies; inventory existing international engagement; and accelerate progress on comprehensive internationalization.
I am writing to appoint you to serve on the Steering Committee for the Internationalization Laboratory. I know that your valuable and informed perspectives will contribute greatly to the success of this important endeavor. The Steering Committee will be chaird by Andrew Carver, Professor and Executive Director of International Affairs. Included in this memo is a more detailed Charge, intended to guide the Steering Committee's efforts. The Committee's initial meeting will take place before the close of the semester and will include advisors from the American Council on Education.
Thank you for your willingness to contribute to this important program. Your work will ultimately underpin and enhance SIU's strategic goals through internationalization.
c Meera Komarraju, Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Andrew Carver, Executive Director of International Affairs
The Internationalization Laboratory, created with support of the American Council on Education (ACE), provides leadership for a systematic and collaborative approach to global education on the SIU Carbondale campus. The Laboratory is a program of the ACE's Internationalization Collaborative, a learning consortium of more than 60 institutions that provides a forum for the sharing of ideas and practices that promote global education goals.
Members of the Internationalization Lab Steering Committee will work as a leadership team to develop both a strategy for the comprehensive internationalization of the SIU community, as well as a means to asses our achievements. Members should engage the entire university community in this progam. Your efforts to be inclusive should extend to colleagues in as many functional and disciplinary areas as possible, from across our institution. Andrew Carver, Executive Director of International Affairs, will direct the work of the Laboratory. Susan Sutton will serve as ACE advisor to the Steering Committee. Dr. Sutton is Emerita Associate Vice President of International Affairs and Emerita Chancellor's Professor of Anthropology at Indiana University.
The charge of the Internationalization Lab Steering Committee is to:
- Serve as leaders by ensuring that SIU works together as a campus to develop an integrated internationalization strategy;
- Co-chair an assigned subject area working group (listed below);
- Serve as the liaision between the Committee and the campus to maximize campus-wide ownership of the planning process and implementation strategies;
- Create a culture of involvement and participation during the planning process;
- Provide oversight in executing, evaluating and refining the plan.
In the long term, this project should deepen SIU's efforts in the following subject areas: a) international student recruitment, b) international aspects of the curriculum, c) study abroad and student/faculty mobility, d) international partnership development, and e) the Exchange Visitor (J Visa) Program. The leadership team is welcome to identify additional areas of relevance.
Role of the American Council on Education
ACE will assist the Steering Committee in the following activities:
- Review current institutional internationalization activities;
- Define key issues, facilitate dialogue, promote collective thinking;
- Identify challenges and obstacles;
- Recommend internationalization goals and strategies;
- Develop an action plan and desired student learning outcomes;
- Build institutional committment to the globalization process throughout campus.
* Indicates Steering Committee Member
International Curriculum
Nilanjana Bardhan*, Professor, Department of Communication Studies
Elaine Conrad*, Div. International Students and Scholars, Center for International Education
Chun-Hsi Huang, Professor and Director, School of Computing
Lourdes Albuixech, Associate Professor, Department of Languages, Cultures, and International Trade
Saikat Talapatra, Professor and Chair, Department of Physics
Mavis Adjei, Associate Professor, School of Management and Marketing
Camille Davidson, Professor and Dean, School of Law
Dong Han, Associate Professor, School of Journalism
Cheng-Yao Lin, Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Maria Claudia Franca, Associate Professor, School of Health Sciences
Study Abroad
Jennifer Smith*, Associate Professor and Chair, Languages, Cultures, and Intl. Trade
Ramesh Neupane*, Associate Director, SIU Center for International Education
Elisabeth Reichert, Professor, School of Human Sciences
Saran Donahoo, Professor, Department of Educational Administration and Higher Education
Joytsna Kapur, Professor and Director, University Honors Program
Cindy Galway Buys, Professor, School of Law
International Partnership Development
Sanjeev Kumar*, Professor and Interim Director, School of Civil, Environmental and Infrastructure Engineering; Interim Associate Dean, College of Engineering
Yi Lee, J.D.*, Div. International Partnership Development, Center for International Education
John Shaw, Director, Paul Simon Public Policy Institute
Hale Yilmaz, Associate Professor, Department of History
Cinzia Padovani, Associate Professor, Radio, Television, and Digital Media
Rob Lopez, Associate Professor and Interim Director, School of Art and Design
Eduardo Gastal, Professor, School of Agricultural Sciences
Visiting Students and Scholars
Kenneth Stikkers*, Professor and Chair, Department of Philosophy
Tina Sickinger*, Div. International Students and Scholars, Center for International Education
Mingqing Xiao, Professor, School of Mathematical & Statistical Sciences.
Karolina Kwasek, Assistant Professor, School of Biological Science-SIUC
Raymund Narag, Associate Professor, School of Justice and Public Safety
Carolina Alarcón, Assistant Professor, School of Art and Design
International Recruiting
Stephen Shih*, Professor and Director, Graduate School
Julie Dunston*, Professor and Interim Executive Director, Extended Campus,
Andrew Carver*, Professor and Executive Director of International Affairs
Kevin Sylwester, Professor and Interim Director, School of Analytics, Finance and Economics
Spyros Tragoudas, Professor and Director, School of Electrical, Computing, and Biomedical Engineering
Ahmad Fakhoury, Professor, School of Agricultural Sciences
Craig Anz, Associate Professor and Interim Director, School of Architecture
Mike Burgener, Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Aviation Technologies
Sarah Lewison, Associate Professor, Department of Radio, Television and Digital Media
Isaac Lausell, Associate Professor, School of Music
Serdar Aydin, Assistant Professor, School of Health Sciences
Jan Thompson, Professor and Director, School of Journalism
Lingguo Bu, Associate Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction